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Q: What is one word that means the ability to respond to stimuli and adapt to change?
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Why do organisms need to respond to stimuli?

Organisms need to respond to stimuli in order to survive and thrive in their environment. By responding to stimuli, organisms can adapt to changes in their surroundings, find food, avoid danger, and reproduce. This ability allows them to maintain homeostasis and increase their chances of survival.

Many living organisms respond to things in the environment called?

stimuli, which can include light, temperature, sound, and chemicals. These stimuli trigger various physiological and behavioral responses in organisms as part of their ability to adapt and survive in their surroundings.

Qualities of life that define life for an amoeba?

An amoeba defines life through its ability to grow, reproduce, respond to stimuli, and maintain homeostasis. These single-celled organisms also exhibit movement, metabolism, and the ability to adapt to their environment, which are characteristics of life.

How do fish respond to stimuli?

Fish can respond to stimuli through their senses such as sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing. They may exhibit behaviors such as swimming towards food, avoiding predators, or mating rituals in response to different stimuli in their environment. These responses help fish navigate their surroundings and ensure their survival.

What are to ways to identify an organism?

Organisms have cellular organization. They reproduce and pass on traits to their offspring. They respond to stimuli and adapt to the environment.

what is it called when you have the ability to change or adapt?

your a

What are two ways to identify an organism?

Organisms have cellular organization. They reproduce and pass on traits to their offspring. They respond to stimuli and adapt to the environment.

How does smart materials work?

Smart materials are designed to respond to external stimuli such as temperature, stress, or light. They can change their properties, like shape, color, or conductivity, in response to these stimuli due to their intrinsic properties or embedded elements. This allows them to adapt and respond to their environment in a controlled and predictable manner, making them useful in various applications like aerospace, medicine, and robotics.

The body ability to respond or adapt to the demands and stress of physical effort denotes?

Physical Fitness

What are the five properties found in ALL living organisims?

Organization: Living organisms are structured at different levels, from cells to tissues to organs to organ systems. Growth: Living organisms have the ability to increase their size and complexity over time. Reproduction: Living organisms can produce offspring through processes like sexual or asexual reproduction. Homeostasis: Living organisms maintain internal balance despite changes in their external environment. Response to stimuli: Living organisms can detect and respond to changes in their environment through processes like movement or behavior.

How does an ant interact with the environment?

Adapt to what? i mean, they have already adpted to food shortages by storing nectar, what else do you want from them? really? what else would they have to adapt to?

The ability of a living organism to react and respond called?

The ability of an organism to react to stimuli from its environment or habitat is known as adaptation. Without being able to adapt, organisms would be unable to cope in the long term even with the most minor of changes. It would be like trying to bend a metal ruler with you hands.