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Species don't simply "appear" all the time. The development of new species takes thousands of years.

According to the theory of evolution, (which mind you, is a theory and not a law) if you take two identical pairs of birds (a male and female) and release them in two very different environments, in several thousand years, (assuming the birds survive the new environment) the birds might have decendants of very different colors, or shape, or diet.

Cross breeding is another way, taking two species of the same kind of animal (Two species of fruit flies) and having them mate might produce a new kind of animal

Ligers are a cross between a lion and tiger, and yes, they do exist

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Rick Satterfield

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Q: What is one of the main ways a new species forms?
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What are the three main ways ecosystems can be altered?

Ecosystems can be altered through habitat destruction, introduction of invasive species, and pollution. These factors can disrupt the delicate balance of an ecosystem, leading to changes in species composition and overall ecosystem function.

What are 3 ways new species form?

Cross-breeding occurs within the species.

What is it called when a species evolves into and new species without a physical barrier?

This is called sympatric speciation, where a new species forms within the same geographic area as the parent species without a physical barrier separating them. It can occur due to factors such as reproductive isolation, ecological specialization, or genetic mutations leading to divergence.

Introduced species often take over an ecosystem because they usually what?

Introducing new species threatens biodiversity in several ways. The new species may upset the food chain in an area. If a species grows faster than native species, they may eat all of the food, leaving little for the natural fauna. The new species may also, conversely, be great food for an existing species which would give one species a great growth advantage over others.

What does a new species form?

A new species forms through a process called speciation, where a population becomes reproductively isolated from other populations and evolves distinct traits over time. This isolation can occur through geographic, ecological, behavioral, or genetic mechanisms, leading to genetic divergence and eventually the emergence of a new species.

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Ecosystems can be altered through habitat destruction, introduction of invasive species, and pollution. These factors can disrupt the delicate balance of an ecosystem, leading to changes in species composition and overall ecosystem function.

What are 3 ways new species form?

Cross-breeding occurs within the species.

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