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Fossils. We find fossils of tropical plants in areas that are definitely not warm today, such as Antarctica and Greenland.

There are other, more complicated pieces of evidence as well, but that's one of the easiest to understand.

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One indication of Earth's varying climate over time is the presence of ice core samples that show fluctuations in temperature and atmospheric composition. By analyzing the layers of ice cores, scientists can determine past climate conditions.

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Q: What is one of the indications that the earth's climate has varied over time?
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What is one of the major indications that earths climate has varied over time?

Land forms carved by glaciers in temperate areas

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The most dramatic change would be massive chaos to the Earths climate.

How has climate varied overtime?

Climate has varied over time due to natural processes such as volcanic activity, changes in Earth's orbit, and solar radiation. Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, have also contributed to recent climate variations, leading to global warming and changes in weather patterns. Studying past climate variations helps scientists understand current trends and predict future changes.

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False. The conditions of Earth's atmosphere at a particular time and place are referred to as weather, not climate. Climate describes the average weather conditions over a longer period of time in a specific region.

How can ice cores be used to tell us how earths climate has changed over time?

Ice cores contain valuable information such as air bubbles and isotopic composition that can be used to reconstruct past climate conditions like temperature and atmospheric composition. By analyzing the layers of ice cores, scientists can track changes in these parameters over time and gain insights into how Earth's climate has evolved.

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Such is known as its climate.

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The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has varied over Earth's history due to natural processes like volcanic activity, changes in ocean circulation, and the growth and decay of plant life. However, the current levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are higher than they have been in at least 800,000 years, primarily due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. This increase in carbon dioxide is contributing to global warming and climate change.

How can you draw climate?

you can draw climate by drawing land with sun over it or water with a moon over it

What does the term global climate mean?

Climate varies all over the planet, so it is difficult to say what the global climate is. One thing we know is that globally the atmosphere is warming.

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