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One life process that could be affected by a pH change is enzyme activity. Enzymes function within a specific pH range, so a change in pH could alter the shape of the enzyme's active site, affecting its ability to catalyze a reaction efficiently.

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Q: What is one life process of an organism that could be affected by a pH change?
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This mutation could cause a change in the protein produced by the gene, potentially leading to altered cell function or structure in the stomach. It could also impact the organism's digestion process or increase the risk of developing certain diseases related to the stomach.

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A mutation changes a gene in a cell in the stomach of an organism. This mutation could cause a change in -?

b: the organism, but not its offspring

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An organism could use processes like binary fission, budding, or fragmentation to reproduce asexually. These processes involve the splitting or budding off of a parent organism to produce genetically identical offspring.

What process has the organism undergone?

The process that an organism has undergone can vary depending on context. It could be related to natural selection, genetic mutation, physiological changes, or environmental adaptation. Clarification on the specific organism and context would be needed to provide a more specific answer.