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The interview contains run-on sentences and "filler" words while the preface uses complete sentences in an unemotional way.

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Q: What is one difference between the interview Astrophysicist Chronicles Battle over Pluto and the preface from The Pluto Files?
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What is the difference between the interveiw astophyicist chronicles battle over Pluto and the preface from the Pluto files?

You need to answer this question because we don't do homework and you have the article referenced. Your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills and how well you understood the lesson, not ours. I suggest that you make a Venn diagram to compare the statements.

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What is one difference between the interview astrophysicist Chronicles battle over Pluto and the preface from the Pluto filer?

The interview contains run-on sentences and "filler" words while the preface uses complete sentences.

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