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Human cells can widely vary in form and function, even in a single human, because of the multicellular structure. Bacteria, on the other hand, are single-celled, and as such every cell is mostly the same.

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9y ago
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3w ago

One key difference is that human cells have a defined nucleus that houses the genetic material (DNA), while bacterial cells do not have a nucleus and their DNA is located in the cytoplasm. Additionally, human cells are typically larger and more complex in structure compared to bacterial cells.

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11y ago

Bacteria don't have DNA <--this is not true. Their DNA is circular rather than a double-helix like humans but it still comprises a chromosome and is written in exactly the same type of code using the same four bases. Their cells do not contain membrane-bound organelles like mitochondria, and their outer structure is markedly different from humans consisting of peptidoglycans-these differences are a major target for many antibacterial drugs which is how they harm bacteria while leaving human eukaryotic cells alone. Penicillin for example inserts itself into the prokaryotic bacterial cell's machinery used for building its cell wall and causes it to be weak and the bacteria simply split open as they enlarge.

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13y ago

A human cell --------

1. is eukaryotic

2. has a well defined nuclear region surrounded by a nuclear membrane

3. has more than one chromosomes

4. has membrane bound cell organelles

A bacterial cell ------

1. is prokaryotic

2. does not have a well defined nuclear region, which is known as nucleoid and also the nuclear membrane is absent

3. has a single chromosome

4. does not have membrane bound cell organelles

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13y ago

Bacterial cells are prokaryotic while human cells are eukaryotic. Human cells have a membrane bound nuclues, bacterial cells do not. Human cells have DNA, bacterial cells have plasmid. Cell division occurs differently. Cell shapes differ.

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12y ago

This answer is from a girl in 6th grade. I go to The Delta Honors Program in MS 54. I learned about cells and stuff in the beginning of the year!

Animal cells(humans are animals too) are eukaryotic. Bacteria cells are prokayotic.

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13y ago

If you're asking about the structure then bacteria cells have flagella and pilus, which allows the bacteria cell to move and it also has cilia and plasma membrane which our cells doesn't have. Human cells have endoplasmic reticulum/Smooth),Golgi Apparatus,Ribosomes,Lysosomes,Centriole,Vacuole, and etc.

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15y ago

the genetic material is inside the nucleus, bacteria cells have flagella, and they have a cell wall.

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13y ago

Bacterial cells don't have a nucleus, because there's no cell membrane to hold it in, instead they have nucleic acid floating around. They also do not have organelles.

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Q: What is one difference between the cells in a human body and bacterial cells?
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Explain why antibiotics are effective at killing bacterial cells but do not seem to have an impact on human cells eukaryotic cells Use at least two examples such as tetracycline erythromycin?

Antibiotics target specific structures or processes unique to bacterial cells that are not present in human eukaryotic cells. For example, tetracycline interferes with bacterial protein synthesis by binding to bacterial ribosomes, while erythromycin inhibits the bacterial ribosome's ability to make proteins. Since human cells do not have the same type of ribosomes or protein synthesis mechanisms, antibiotics like tetracycline and erythromycin do not affect human cells the same way they do bacterial cells.

What is the ratio of bacteria to human cells?

On average, there are about 1.3 bacterial cells for every human cell in the body. This means that the number of bacterial cells in the human body outnumbers our own cells.

What are the similarities between bacterial cells and human cells?

Predominantly multicellular not in bacteria but in human body &bull; Cell contains a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles not in bacteria but in human body &bull; DNA occurs in a circular form in bacteria only

Does erythromycin affect human cells?

Yes, erythromycin can affect human cells by inhibiting protein synthesis in bacterial cells but can also affect human mitochondria due to their bacterial origin. This may lead to side effects in some individuals, especially at higher doses or with prolonged use.

Why pencilin does not harm human cells?

Penicillin targets the cell walls of bacteria, which are different from human cells. Human cells do not have cell walls like bacteria do, so penicillin does not harm them. This allows penicillin to selectively target bacterial cells while leaving human cells unharmed.

Related questions

Does the human body have more bacterial or human cells?

it has more human cells actually the human body has more bacterial cells. Although it may seem more likely that the human body would have more human cells than bacterial cells. -Vasillisa

What is the similarities and difference between the bacteria and human cells?

Both bacteria and human cells are made up of a cell membrane, cytoplasm, and genetic material, but bacteria lack membrane-bound organelles like the nucleus found in human cells. Bacteria have a simpler structure and are typically smaller in size compared to human cells. Additionally, human cells are eukaryotic, while bacteria are prokaryotic.

What is the difference between the human cells and a computer cells?

The difference is that human cells are made up of all different things but a computer cell is found on a circuit board.

What do human cells have that animal cells dont?

One key feature that human cells have that animal cells do not is the presence of a unique structure called a centrosome, which plays a critical role in cell division. Additionally, human cells have adaptations specific to human biology, such as specialized proteins and receptors that facilitate complex functions like immunity, cognition, and metabolism.

What do bacterial cells and human skin cells plant cells have in common?

they all have numbers

What is the difference between a human cell and a escherichia coli cells?

Human cells are eukaryotic cells, meaning they have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles, while Escherichia coli cells are prokaryotic cells without a nucleus or membrane-bound organelles. Human cells are part of multicellular organisms and have specialized functions, while E. coli cells are single-celled bacteria with simpler structures.

What is a difference between the brains of human and other mammals?

billions of cells.

What is the difference between a virus a bacterial cell and a human lung cell?

Their structure is one.A human lung cell is eukaryotic and part of the multicellular structure, the lung.Bacterial cells are prokaryotic and unicellular.Virus is a fragment of protein and nucleic acid that forms a infectious structure.

Explain why antibiotics are effective at killing bacterial cells but do not seem to have an impact on human cells eukaryotic cells Use at least two examples such as tetracycline erythromycin?

Antibiotics target specific structures or processes unique to bacterial cells that are not present in human eukaryotic cells. For example, tetracycline interferes with bacterial protein synthesis by binding to bacterial ribosomes, while erythromycin inhibits the bacterial ribosome's ability to make proteins. Since human cells do not have the same type of ribosomes or protein synthesis mechanisms, antibiotics like tetracycline and erythromycin do not affect human cells the same way they do bacterial cells.

What is the ratio of bacteria to human cells?

On average, there are about 1.3 bacterial cells for every human cell in the body. This means that the number of bacterial cells in the human body outnumbers our own cells.

What are the similarities between bacterial cells and human cells?

Predominantly multicellular not in bacteria but in human body &bull; Cell contains a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles not in bacteria but in human body &bull; DNA occurs in a circular form in bacteria only

How are bacterial cell and human body cell similar?

Bacterial and human cells both have a cell membrane, cytoplasm, and genetic material (DNA). They both carry out essential metabolic processes for survival and reproduction. However, human cells are eukaryotic, meaning they have a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles, while bacterial cells are prokaryotic and lack these features.