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well............................... i dont know sorry :(

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9mo ago

Non-science refers to any field of study or activity that does not adhere to the principles and methods of the scientific method. This can include subjects like art, literature, philosophy, and religion, which are based on interpretation, creativity, and subjective experiences rather than empirical evidence and experimentation.

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How can you tell if something is science or non-science?

if you can't test it and get the same result it non-science

What is the word meaning of nonscience?

Non-science is anything not related to science or in the field of the studies of science. For example, philosophy is non-science.

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Science is important in non-science careers because when you have a problem in any job, you use science to figure the problem out, so science is in any career you choose basically.

What is the difference between science and non-science?

The main difference between science and non-science is that science relies on evidence, experimentation, and the scientific method to understand the natural world, while non-science does not follow these rigorous methods and may be based on beliefs, opinions, or personal experiences.

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Religious orders are non-science careers. Everything else uses science to some degree, explicitly or implicitly.

What is non-science?

Non-science refers to ideas, beliefs, or practices that do not adhere to the scientific method or principles. This can include pseudoscience, superstition, and unfounded claims that lack empirical evidence or scientific support. Non-science should not be confused with science fiction, which is a genre of literature and entertainment.

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non working

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The same way you use a non-science thermometer.

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