

What is non contractile tissue?

Updated: 6/25/2024
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βˆ™ 12y ago

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Non-contractile tissue refers to tissues within the body that do not have the ability to contract or generate mechanical force, such as bone, cartilage, and connective tissue. These tissues provide structural support, protection, and framework for the body, but they do not have the capacity for active movement or contraction like muscles do.

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βˆ™ 1w ago
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What is the contractile tissue of the body?

There is no such thing. Were something non-contractile, it would cease to be called a muscle. You probably meant "What is a contractile muscle structure?" or something similar. There are many such answered questions on here.

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The non-contractile element are skeletal muscles that don't contract such as Epimysium,Perimysium and, Endomysium. Contractile muscle contract as a whole muscle instead of single bundles of muscle fibers

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if the lesion is in a contractile tissue i.e muscle then active n passive movements are painful and/or restricted in opposite direction of motion.

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a cell

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skeletal muscle is made up of permanent cells - ie they never divide. this means if it is lost then it will heal by repair with organisation and progressive fibrosis = scar formation.

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Muscle (from Latin musculus, diminutive of mus "mouse"[1]) is a contractile tissue

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Can damage to the left ventricle heal?

it depends on what type of damage. when the heart heals, instead of forming normal heart tissue, it forms non-contractile scar tissue. if you are asking if the heart can get stronger after its been damaged, the answer is yes. the heart has many compensatory mechinisms.