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Q: What is more important air or water?
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Water is much more important than food and air?

Air is most important. You can live a few minutes without air, a few days without water and a few weeks without food

What is more important to people soil air or water?

It ultimately depends on the individual and context. However, in general, water is often considered the most important resource as it is essential for human survival and agriculture.

Is air temperature or water temperature more important to evaporation?

Air temperature is more important for evaporation. Warmer air can hold more water vapor than cooler air, leading to increased evaporation rates. While water temperature can also impact evaporation, it is generally the air temperature that has a greater influence.

Is there more air in salt water or air?

i think more air is in water

What is an important property of air circulation?

An important property of air circulation is the movement of air from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. This movement helps distribute heat, moisture, and air pollutants throughout the atmosphere, influencing weather patterns and climate.

Why the air is important in the water cycle?

Air is important in the water cycle because it allows for the process of evaporation to occur. When water evaporates, it rises into the atmosphere where it cools and condenses to form clouds. These clouds eventually release precipitation back to the Earth as rain or snow, which is essential for sustaining life and ecosystems.

Which nonliving things are important to the caterpillars survival?

soil water air rocks and more.

What does evaporated water do to the air?

Evaporated water makes the air more humid. and makes the air more thin

Why does water exert more pressure than air?

Water is more dense than air is.

Which is more dense air saturated with water vapor or air unsaturated with water vapor?

Saturated air is more dense.

What are the elements in farts?

air and water(more air than water.).

Can hot air or cold air hold more water?

warm air hold more water vapor...unless it doesnt like sandwiches between its toes at 5 o'clock in the after noon