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Dissociation of a soluble ionic salt produce ions.
As an example:
NaCl----------------Na+ + Cl-
So the solution is electrically conductive; the solid, crystalline sodium chloride is not condutive - it is without mobile ions.

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Anything that gives ions in solution, such as a salt, an acid, or a base.

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Q: What is mixed with water that conducts electricity?
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Conducts electricity in water?


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Water, when in contact with electricity, conducts the electricity to spread throughout the water instantly cause major electricity flow throughout the water. Water conducts electricity making it dangerous.

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Pure water no. Water conducts electricity because of the impurities in it.

Can ethanol with water conducts electricity?

yes it can.

What conducts electricity when dissolve in water?

Ionic compounds conduct electricity when dissolved in water.

What liquid conducts electricity well?

Water containing dissolved ions or impurities conducts electricity well. This is because the ions in the water carry electric current. Pure water, without ions, does not conduct electricity well.

What type of compound conducts electricity when dissolved in water?

Ionic compounds conduct electricity when dissolved. Sodium chloride is an example

Why do they tell you not to stand by water during thunderstorms?

Because water conducts electricity and lightning is electricity. Also electricity can jump.

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Water is a poor conductor of electricity. However, the presence of ions in water make the solution a good conductor of electricity.

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conducts electricity conducts electricity

Why do you think the sodium chloride could only conduct electricity when dissolves in the water?

because water conducts electricity

Why rainwater conducts electricity?

Rain water is not pure water. Rain water contains small amounts of ions as minerals and salt as well as pollutants. This means that it is a solution of ions, making it an electrolyte (conducts electricity).