The planet Mercury spins slowly west to east, once every 58.64 Earth days.
*Because it is also going around the Sun every 88 Earth days, an observer on Mercury's surface would experience a sunrise or sunset only once every 176 Earth days. The slow, coordinated turning keeps any point on the planet exposed to the Sun for two entire orbits before finally facing away for two orbits!
Mercury has a slow rotation, taking about 59 Earth days to complete one rotation on its axis. However, it also has a unique spin-orbit resonance where it rotates three times for every two orbits around the Sun. This means that a day on Mercury (one rotation) is actually longer than a year on Mercury (one orbit around the Sun).
Mercury is the innermost and smallest planet in the Solar System, orbiting the Sun once every 87.969 Earth days hence a Mercuric "year" is less than three months on Earth. It goes round the sun in the same direction as all the other planets in the solar system.
For many years it was thought that Mercury was synchronously tidally locked with the Sun (rotating once on its axis for each orbit and thus always keeping the same face directed towards the Sun (like our the Moon always faces the Earth)).
However, we have since discovered that the planet has a 3:2 spin--orbit resonance, rotating three times for every two orbits it makes around the Sun.
The rotation of the head is called "head rotation" or "cervical rotation." This movement allows the head to turn from side to side.
Prograde rotation is the rotation of an object in the same direction as its orbit around another object, while retrograde rotation is the rotation in the opposite direction of its orbit. For example, most planets in our solar system have prograde rotation, where they rotate counterclockwise when viewed from above the North Pole. Venus, however, has retrograde rotation, rotating clockwise when viewed from above the North Pole.
When performing a rotation, you do not need to know the exact coordinates of the center of rotation. All you need is the angle of rotation and the shape or object being rotated.
Uranus has a horizontal rotation
A rotation happens in a day
rocky shells
88 days
3600 millions kilmmetres from the sun
mecury is first in the solar system
I am a FLY................. I POOH ON WHINE THE POOH I FLY AROUND AND POOH ON YOU TOOO :):):):):):):)
It is rotation.
Internal rotation refers to the rotation towards the axis of the body. External rotation refers to the rotation away from the center of the body.
rotation is fololy
rotation is fololy
The centre of rotation, the angle of rotation and, unless the angle is 180 degrees, the direction of rotation.
It means that the rotation is in the opposite direction.