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A subjective measure of sound is whether something is too loud, or too soft. A scientific measure of sound is gauged in the decibel level of the noise.

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Q: What is meant by the subjective properties of sound?
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The nerve impulses evoke in the brain the subjective sensation of sound. Loudness, pitch, and quality are some of the terms we use to describe the sounds we hear. It is a great challenge for physiologists to relate these subjective responses with the physical properties of sound such as intensity and frequency.

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Subjective mineral properties are qualities that can vary based on individual interpretation, such as color or luster. Objective mineral properties are characteristics that can be measured or quantified, such as hardness or specific gravity. Subjective properties rely on personal judgment, while objective properties are more concrete and measurable.

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Subjective scoring is when you get judged by judges e.g. gymnastics, diving, trampolining

What is a subjective property of sound related to frequency?

Pitch is a subjective property of sound related to frequency, where higher frequencies are perceived as higher pitch and lower frequencies are perceived as lower pitch.

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Is sound intensity subjective or is loudness subjective Why?

Sound intensity is objective, because it's just a measure of the sound power per unit area. Loudness is subjective, because it has to take into account the sensitivity of the ear and its different responses to different frequencies in the sound. A sound with a frequency of 45 kHz would have no "loudness", since our ears don't respond to that frequency at all. But it would still have intensity, because the sound is still carrying energy.

What property of sound describes your awareness of the energy of a sound?

Loudness is the property of sound that describes our awareness of the energy of a sound. It is subjective and depends on the amplitude of the sound wave.

What did mendeleev mean by periodicity of properties?

what he meant by it was it meant the same as periodic table.

What properties of sound determine the pitch of sound?

The pitch is determined by how high the sound is.

Which two properties of a sound gets louder?

The two properties of a sound that get louder are its amplitude, which determines the volume or intensity of the sound, and its energy level, which increases as the sound becomes louder.

How is the loudness of a sound related to the amplitude?

Loudness is really a subjective measure and is often confused with objective measures in decibel units of sound pressure or sound intensity.

What are 5 properties of sound?

Amplitude: The loudness or volume of sound, measured in decibels. Frequency: The pitch of sound, measured in hertz. Wavelength: The distance between two consecutive compressions or rarefactions in a sound wave. Timbre: The quality or tone color of sound that distinguishes it from other sounds. Speed: The rate at which sound waves travel through a medium, such as air or water.