The crust making up the continents is called continental crust. It is thicker and less dense than oceanic crust.
Creating your own words is called neologism. It refers to the process of making up new words or phrases that are not yet part of the common language.
In many religious traditions, sins are generally classified as venial sins (less serious) and mortal sins (grave offenses). However, the specific types of sins can vary between different religions or belief systems. Common examples include sins of thought, word, and deed, as well as sins against others or oneself.
The rubbery tissue making up the outer nose is called cartilage. Cartilage provides structure and support to the nose, allowing it to maintain its shape. It is flexible yet firm, helping to protect the nose from injuries.
The name of the tiny-hairlike strand used for making fabric is called Fibers
When you admit your sins to a priest it is called a confession. Some say it is better to confess your sins to a higher power so that it is only between you and them.
Making up what you play as you play it is called improvisation.
Obviously they are not called deadly for nothing.
It's called making reparations.
The Triad.
That is called confession.
If you are referring to the tradtional "Seven Deadly Sins," also called the cardinal sins or capital sins in Catholic dogma they are lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride.
A sin that is committed from an individual is just called a sin. Sins are sins not matter what type of sin it is.
Roman Catholic AnswerThe seven deadly sins, as we now have them, were drawn up by catechists in the early church (before the seventh century) to help people sort them out. The sins themselves are in opposition to the seven virtues, which are from God. God did not, and being All-Good, could not have made up the seven deadly sins.