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Q: What is located at the base of each semi ciular canal made up of a cluster of hair cells in a gelatinous matrix that help the brain detect motion?
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Yes. A gelatinous cover, over tiny hairs in the saccule, which contain otholiths (ear stones) detects acceleration when they are bent during this movement.

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Two types of receptors in the skin that detect fine touch are Meissner's corpuscles, which are located in the dermal papillae and detect light touch and vibration, and Merkel cells, which are located in the epidermis and detect pressure and texture.

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Odors, or smells.

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Odors, or smells.

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One can detect heat sensors by searching their surroundings. Often, heat centers are located on ceilings in most rooms, and especially concentrated in areas such as the kitchen.

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The cones, located in the retina, detect color.

What type of receptor detect heat and cold?

Thermoreceptors are the type of receptors that detect heat and cold. They are specialized nerve endings located in the skin and other tissues that respond to changes in temperature.

How is an earthquake located?

Seismographs placed around the planet detect the vibrations and calculate the epicenter using triangulation.

What are receptors which detect heat and cold?

The receptors that detect heat are known as thermoreceptors and they respond to increases in temperature. Conversely, the receptors that detect cold are also thermoreceptors but they respond to decreases in temperature. These thermoreceptors are specialized nerve endings located in the skin and other tissues of the body.

How is an earthquake epicentre located?

Seismographs placed around the planet detect the vibrations and calculate the epicenter using triangulation.