62 degrees north latitude, 7 degrees east longitude: eastern Norway
62 degrees north latitude, 7 degrees west longitude: Faroe Islands
Finland is located at 70 degrees north latitude and 28 degrees east longitude.
The country located at 31 degrees North latitude and 123 degrees East longitude is China.
The North Pole is located at approximately 90 degrees north latitude and 0 degrees longitude. The South Pole is located at approximately 90 degrees south latitude and 0 degrees longitude.
The tropics are located at approximately 23.5 degrees north and south latitude, not longitude. The Tropic of Cancer is at 23.5 degrees north latitude, while the Tropic of Capricorn is at 23.5 degrees south latitude.
The country located at 50 degrees north latitude and 4 degrees east longitude is Belgium.
The country located at 9 degrees north latitude and 0 degrees longitude is Ghana.
The country that is located at 65 degrees North latitude and 20 degrees West longitude is Iceland. The country that is located at 65 degrees North latitude and 20 degrees West longitude is Iceland.
The country that is located at 65 degrees North latitude and 20 degrees West longitude is Iceland. The country that is located at 65 degrees North latitude and 20 degrees West longitude is Iceland.
The Dead Sea is located at 31 degrees north latitude and 35 east longitude.
Jerusalem is located approximately 31 degrees north latitude and 35 degrees east longitude.
Finland is located at 70 degrees north latitude and 28 degrees east longitude.
The country located at 31 degrees North latitude and 123 degrees East longitude is China.
Winterville, North Carolina is located at latitude 35.53 degrees north, longitude 77.40 degrees west.
The country that is located at 65 degrees North latitude and 20 degrees West longitude is Iceland. The country that is located at 65 degrees North latitude and 20 degrees West longitude is Iceland.
The North Pole is located at approximately 90 degrees north latitude and 0 degrees longitude. The South Pole is located at approximately 90 degrees south latitude and 0 degrees longitude.
The tropics are located at approximately 23.5 degrees north and south latitude, not longitude. The Tropic of Cancer is at 23.5 degrees north latitude, while the Tropic of Capricorn is at 23.5 degrees south latitude.
The Dead Sea is located at 31 degrees north latitude and 35 east longitude.