The location at 28°N latitude and 83°E longitude falls in the region of India. It is in the northern part of the country, specifically in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The exact place could be near the city of Lucknow.
The center of Iráklion is located at 35.33° north latitude 25.14° east longitude. Other places on the island have somewhat different coordinates.
Finland is located at 70 degrees north latitude and 28 degrees east longitude.
The country located at 31 degrees North latitude and 123 degrees East longitude is China.
The country located at 50 degrees north latitude and 4 degrees east longitude is Belgium.
The nation located at approximately 45 north latitude and 25 east longitude is Romania.
The Dead Sea is located at 31 degrees north latitude and 35 east longitude.
The center of Iráklion is located at 35.33° north latitude 25.14° east longitude. Other places on the island have somewhat different coordinates.
The center of Tokyo is located at roughly35.68° north latitude139.74° east longitude.
Jerusalem is located approximately 31 degrees north latitude and 35 degrees east longitude.
Finland is located at 70 degrees north latitude and 28 degrees east longitude.
The country located at 31 degrees North latitude and 123 degrees East longitude is China.
The Dead Sea is located at 31 degrees north latitude and 35 east longitude.
The center of Lagos is located at about 6.4531° north latitude 3.3958° east longitude.
The country located at 50 degrees north latitude and 4 degrees east longitude is Belgium.
The city with the absolute location of 34 north latitude and 68 east longitude is Kabul. It is the capital city of Afghanistan.
The city with the absolute location of 34 north latitude and 68 east longitude is Kabul. It is the capital city of Afghanistan.
The city located at 9 degrees north latitude and 39 degrees east longitude is Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.