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The person who has drank the water will face severe diarrhoea, dehydration, cramps, nausea, Gastrointestinal Problems, which can lead to death in extreme circumstances

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Q: What is likely to happen to people who drink stream water with micro-organisms in it?
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When is a stream likely to meander?

A stream is likely to meander when there is a low gradient, or slope, in the land it flows through. This slow-moving water creates curves and bends in the stream channel, causing it to meander as it flows downstream. Other factors such as the amount of sediment carried by the water and the type of rock or soil in the streambed can also influence meandering.

What will happen to the stream if the water table rises?

If the water table rises, the stream may become more full and flow faster due to increased groundwater discharge into the stream. This could potentially lead to flooding and erosion along the stream banks.

What transport processes would likely dominate in a muddy stream?

In a muddy stream, sediment transport processes such as erosion, sedimentation, and deposition would likely dominate. The turbulent flow in the stream can cause erosion of sediment from the streambed, leading to the suspension and transport of the sediments downstream. Sediments can also settle out and deposit in areas of slow-moving water or when the flow velocity decreases.

What stream load has gravel and rocks?

A stream with gravel and rocks typically has a higher sediment load. The presence of gravel and rocks indicates that the stream has the ability to transport larger particles, which increases its sediment load compared to streams with smaller particles like sand or silt.

When is a stream most likely to deposit the rock and soil that its carrying?

A stream is most likely to deposit the rock and soil it is carrying when its velocity decreases, such as in a meander or where the gradient lessens. This allows the stream to no longer have enough energy to transport the sediment, leading to deposition.

Related questions

Which most likely causes a stream to widen?

a stream is most likely widen by erosion

Where is oxygen content in a river or stream likely to be the highest?

The oxygen content of a river or stream is likely to be highest at the source. The source of the river or stream is where it originates.

What would happen to brightly colored guppies that were placed in a stream with many predators?

Likely they will be seen and eaten by a predator.

What happen when a stream floods?

U die

A stream that captures the headwaters of another stream is likely to be flowing?

over a drainage divide

When is a stream likely to meander?

A stream is likely to meander when there is a low gradient, or slope, in the land it flows through. This slow-moving water creates curves and bends in the stream channel, causing it to meander as it flows downstream. Other factors such as the amount of sediment carried by the water and the type of rock or soil in the streambed can also influence meandering.

What would happen if the gulf stream stopped?

we're all doomed

What are you more likely to find in a desert stream or a spring?

Neither, its a desert...

Where is the light penetration in a river or stream likely to be the lowest?

The mouth of the river is where light penetration is most likely the lowest

What happen to some of the heat from the ocean lake and stream?

it gose to the sun lol

What will happen to the stream if the water table rises?

If the water table rises, the stream may become more full and flow faster due to increased groundwater discharge into the stream. This could potentially lead to flooding and erosion along the stream banks.

How doe stream piracy happen?

the headward erosion hat brings about the formation of a river valley is an important factor in a process called stream piracy.