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That would be called parasitology.

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Q: What is known as the study of parasites?
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People who study parasites?


Study of organisms which derive nourishment and protection from other living organisms?

This is known as parasitology, which is the branch of science that focuses on the study of parasites and their interactions with their host organisms. Parasites are organisms that depend on other living organisms for their survival and reproduction. This field of study is important for understanding the relationship between parasites and their hosts, as well as for developing strategies to control parasitic infections.

What type of people study parasites?

People who study parasites are typically scientists or researchers with backgrounds in fields such as parasitology, biology, veterinary medicine, or public health. They are interested in understanding the biology, ecology, and impact of parasites on their hosts and ecosystems.

What is parasitology and explain what it means by medicalparasitology?

Parasitology is the study of parasites, which are organisms that live on or in another organism and depend on it for survival. Medical parasitology specifically focuses on parasites that infect humans and cause diseases, involving their identification, biology, epidemiology, and potential treatments. It plays a crucial role in diagnosing and managing parasitic infections in patients.

How do you spell parasitology?

The correct spelling is "parasitology" (study of parasites).

What is the meaning of parasiology?

Parasitology is the study of parasites, which are organisms that live on or inside another organism (the host) and depend on the host for their survival. Parasitologists study the biology, life cycles, interactions, and impact of parasites on their hosts and the environment.

What is parasitology and the branches of it?

Parasitology is the study of parasites and their relationships with their hosts. Its branches include medical parasitology, which focuses on parasites that cause human diseases, veterinary parasitology, which studies parasites that affect animals, and ecological parasitology, which looks at the interactions between parasites and their hosts in natural ecosystems.

Is parasitology the study of the super parasites known as humans?

No, only a small number of people would think to classify humans as superparasites so, the majority is content to study humans using the fields of anthropology, sociology, psychology and other related sciences.

Who discovered parasites in Philippine fishes?

The parasites in Philippine fishes were first discovered by Cruz-Lacierda et al. in 2008. Their study identified various parasites infecting different fish species in Philippine waters.

What are Heterotrophs are also known as?

heterotrophs are also known as 'other feeders' Heterotrophs are also known as parasites or saprophytes depending on their mode of getting food.

What is someone who studies parasites called?

A parasitologist is someone who studies parasites. They focus on understanding the behavior, lifecycle, and impact of various types of parasitic organisms on their hosts.

Is a clam a parasites?

Clams are not parasites. Clams are a type of bivalve mollusk that feed by filtering particles from water using their gills. They are not known to rely on other organisms for sustenance like parasites do.