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8mo ago

Turning a liquid into a solid is called freezing. This process involves lowering the temperature of the liquid until it reaches its freezing point, causing the molecules to slow down and arrange into a solid structure.

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Q: What is it when you turn liquid into solid?
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What is the method to solidify a gas?

To turn a liquid into a solid you have to freeze it. To turn a gas into a solid you must first turn it into a liquid, then freeze it.

What solid turns into liquid?

Any liquid can turn into a solid at the correct temperature.

What things turn from solid ti liquid?

ice , wax , butter ps water (a liquid) can turn into ice(a solid)

What is a liquid that can turn into a solid called?

A liquid that can turn into a solid is called a "freezing" or "solidification" process. This occurs when a liquid's temperature decreases to its freezing point, causing its particles to slow down and arrange into a more structured, solid form.

What liquid turn to a solid when boil?

Egg whites can turn from a liquid to a solid when boiled. The proteins in the egg whites denature and coagulate when heated, resulting in the transformation from liquid to solid.

How does a liquid liquid solution form?

A liquid-solid solution is when a liquid turns to a solid. You can tell because if you put a glass of water in the freezer, it will turn to ice (solid).

What does it mean if a liquid turns into a solid?

The temperature affecting the liquid must have been below freezing for the liquid to turn into a solid.

Can you turn a liquid into a solid by freezing it?

No, freezing changes a liquid to a solid. To change a solid to a liquid you need to apply heat. The change begins when the solid reaches its melting point.

What point does a solid turn into?

A solid turns into a liquid at its melting point.

What is the word to turn a liquid to a solid?


What can turn from a solid to liquid?

A ice cube.

How does heating a solid turn into a liquid?

it melts