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Q: What is it called when two or more firms agree to collaborate on wrongful acts?
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What is an characteristic of oligoply?

An oligopoly is characterized by a market structure where a small number of large firms dominate the industry. These firms have substantial market power which allows them to influence prices and other market outcomes. Oligopolies often involve interdependence among firms, with decisions by one firm impacting the actions of others in the market.

Does processing firms move raw materials to factories and finishedgoods rto markets?

Yes, processing firms typically transform raw materials into finished goods within their facilities before they are transported to markets for sale. The processing firms add value to the raw materials through manufacturing and assembly processes, making the goods ready for distribution and consumption in the markets.

The long run is a time period in which?

The long run is a time period in which all inputs can be varied and firms can enter or exit the market. This allows for adjustments to production levels and for firms to make changes in response to market conditions or technological advancements.

What are the 4 basic market structure and explain how they differ from one another?

The four basic market structures are perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. Perfect competition has many small firms producing identical products, while monopolistic competition has many firms selling similar but not identical products. Oligopoly has a few large firms dominating the market, while a monopoly has a single firm controlling the entire market. The main difference between them lies in the number of firms in the market and the level of product differentiation.

What is concentration of production?

Concentration of production refers to a situation where a significant proportion of a certain good or service is produced by a limited number of firms or producers in the market. This can result in market dominance by a few key players, potentially leading to reduced competition and increased market power for those firms.

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Where can one find information about the concept of wrongful death in American law?

Some sites that would carry information on wrongful death in American law are Nolo and Wikipedia. One can also find information online at sites that are designed by law firms.

True-or false-explicit collusion means when firms explicitly compete?

It is false.It means when firms explicitly agree to co-operate rather than compete.

What example are partnership?

A partnership is defined as an arrangement where parties agree to cooperate to advance their mutual interests. An example of partnership is doctors who share an office. Law firms and accounting firms are often partnerships.

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It is called a merger

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The market structure that is characterized by a small number of large firms that have some market power is called

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