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It is not the sun comes up and in mornin. Morning,evening,north,south,east,west,poles etc are all we subtitued . they are all named by us for our convinience. We assumed that when sun risses it is morning.okay.

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12y ago
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15y ago

The sun does not technically rise. Words like sunrise and sunset have carried over from a time when we believed that the Earth was at the center of the universe and that the sun revolved around it. However, it is actually the motion of the Earth that makes the sun appear to rise and set. The Earth rotates on its axis at a speed of approximately 1,000 MPH at the equator, making one complete rotation roughly every 24 hours. Thus, as one hemisphere of the earth rotates to face the sun, it appears to rise, and when that hemisphere rotates to face away from the sun, it appears to set.

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12y ago

First, it is important to realize that it is the Earth that is moving, not the sun. The Earth is always rotating making it seem as if the sun is moving across the sky. When the Earth turns enough that the observer cannot see the sun any longer it is night time. When the Earth makes a complete rotation the sun comes back into sight, seeming to rise up from behind the horizon.

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16y ago

The same reason the scenery appears to go by when you're on a train looking out the window. You are in motion but your brain on some level thinks it's still, so it interprets what you see as if that were the case.

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10y ago

The sun appears to come up in the morning owing to the rotation of the earth. Because the earth spins on its axis, an observer on the earth's surface might notice alternating periods of dark and light every 24 hours because the portion of space visible to them changes due to this rotation; however, the sun itself is actually staying pretty much in the same place. Another factor to consider is that an observer is usually on the earth's surface, which creates a horizon, or a line of sight tangential to the planet's spheroidal shape, below which celestial objects would not be visible because the earth itself is opaque. At dawn the earth's rotation brings the sun over the limb of that horizon and the obsever notices the sun appearing to rise. The opposite happens at sunset, rotation obscures the sun again below the horizon on the opposite side.

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15y ago

The Sun doesn't really rise, it just looks like it does from our point of view. But when the Earth rotates, the sun gradually comes into view therefore making it look like it's the one moving.

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11y ago

The sun goes below the horizon because the earth is constantly spinning, meaning that the sun can only light up one side of the earth at any given time. The sun is below the horizon in all locations on the night side of the earth - which is constantly changing.

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10y ago

The reason the sun goes below the horizon is caused by the Earth rotating. Wherever you are (except in the polar regions of Earth), the Earth will rotate you to the side of the planet not facing the sun, this is called night, and this is why the sun appears to go "below" the horizon.

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13y ago

because that's life! if the sun were not to rise every morning, life would not exist. but the sun itself does not rise, it stays in the same spot as it's always been. the earth circles around the sun while spinning on its axis all the time, so whichever part of earth is facing the sun means it's daylight in that time zone. when that zone begins to turn away from the sun, it begins to get dark out and stays night until that zone spins toward the sun again. thus, the sun 'rises' every morning when the area you live in is turning in the sun's direction.

go watch the discovery channel or something. learn for yourself for once.

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14y ago

The sunset is when the sun appears to go down. (In reality, the Earth is rotating away from the sun, so it seems to be moving.)

The horizon is the furthest part of the earth that can be seen from any location. It is where the ground, or the sea, seem to meet the sky.

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Horizontal means going left and right. This is the opposite of vertical, which means going up and down. Example: This sentence is written horizontally. It might help to know that the horizon is the farthest limit of the earth that can be seen from a given point. When you are at a beach looking out over the ocean or another body of water where you cannot see land in the distance, the line where the sky meets the water is called the horizon.

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Over Horizon was created on 1991-04-26.

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The horizon seems to rise when watching it on a shore because the sun is moving down. To a person, it looks like the water is rising over the sun.

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