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Q: What is it called when scientists in the same or similar field of study judge the quality of a fellow scientist and scientific claim?
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How can a scientist using the periodic table find and element with properties similar to another element?

A scientist can find an element with properties similar to another by looking at elements in the same group or column of the periodic table. Elements in the same group tend to have similar chemical properties due to their similar outer electron configurations. This allows scientists to predict the behavior of an element based on its position on the periodic table.

What pictures of chromosomes help scientist group similar organisms?

Karyotypes, which are images of an organism's complete set of chromosomes, aid scientists in grouping similar organisms based on their genetic similarities and differences. By examining the size, shape, and number of chromosomes in a karyotype, scientists can identify relationships and evolutionary patterns between species. Additionally, banding patterns on chromosomes can provide further insights into genetic relatedness among organisms.

What is a tool scientist use to organize the elements?

The elements are arranged in the increasing order of their atomic number and repeating properties.

How are biologist botanists physicists paleontologists and environmentalists all similar?

All are similar in being scientist .

What is an organizational tool used by scientist to order the elements by atomic number and similar properties?

The organizational tool used by scientists to order the elements by atomic number and similar properties is called the periodic table. It is a grid that arranges elements in rows and columns based on their atomic structure, allowing for easy comparison of elements with similar characteristics.

Related questions

What is a scientific model and how is it useful to scientists?

scientific model is a testable idea based on studies on a particular subject. It is useful to scientist for further studies and research on similar idea, subject.

Why is scientists work not always eccepted first time?

Because of the basic rule of the scientific process. A scientist's findings must be repeatable by others in similar conditions to dispel any belief that results were not due to the scientist's error, fancy, motives, etc.

What is the reasons that a scientist composes a scientific paper after completing an experiment?

A scientist composes a scientific paper after completing an experiment to communicate their findings to the scientific community, contribute to the body of scientific knowledge, receive feedback from peers, and potentially advance their career through publication and recognition.

What is similar in the ways scientists study problems?

Some ways Scientists solve problems are that they follow the 7 steps of the scientific method which are problem, research, hypothesis, experiment, collect data ,conclusion, and repeat the process because that is how you experiment on objects. They can use this helpful tool to solve a problem.

How does a scientific theory compare with scientific hypothesis?

hypothesis have bean tested confirm many time by many scientists woth similar results each time

What process assures that claims made by scientists are reliable?

Reproducibility is the major method for other scientists to confirm the work of one scientist. When one scientist does an experiment, s/he publishes the results so other scientist can read and verify the results. If similar results are obtained by verification, then the results are partially confirmed.

Why might it be important for scientist to know hell elements are similar or different?

It is important for scientists to know how elements are similar or different because it helps them understand the properties of different elements, how they interact with each other, and their behavior in various chemical reactions. This knowledge is essential for developing new materials, predicting how substances will behave in different conditions, and advancing scientific research and technology.

How were the contribution of nicolaus Copernicus and Galileo galilei to the scientific revolution similar?

Both scientists challenged ideas supported by the Roman Catholic Church.

How is asking someone else for help similar to scientific collaboration?

you need to ask your partners for help same as scientists ask their partners for help.

Which statement best expresses a basic scientific assumption?

If a conclusion is valid, similar investigations by other scientists should result in the same conclusion.

How can a scientist using the periodic table find and element with properties similar to another element?

A scientist can find an element with properties similar to another by looking at elements in the same group or column of the periodic table. Elements in the same group tend to have similar chemical properties due to their similar outer electron configurations. This allows scientists to predict the behavior of an element based on its position on the periodic table.

Why do scientists use scientific names instead of common ones give an example?

Scientists use scientific names (binomial nomenclature) to avoid confusion caused by different common names for the same species. For example, the scientific name for the domestic dog is Canis lupus familiaris, which clearly indicates its relationship to the wolf (Canis lupus) and distinguishes it from other species with similar common names.