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Q: What is it called when plants in humid climates sometimes bend their roots toward a higher humidity?
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What compare Marine climates with continental?

Marine climates are influenced by proximity to large bodies of water, resulting in milder and more stable temperatures throughout the year compared to continental climates. Continental climates experience greater temperature variations between seasons due to their distance from moderating ocean influences. Additionally, marine climates often have higher humidity levels and more consistent precipitation patterns compared to continental climates.

Why will countries at high altitudes sometimes have cooler climates?

Countries at high altitudes tend to have cooler climates because the temperature decreases with altitude due to the thinner air and reduced atmospheric pressure. As air rises, it expands and cools, creating cooler temperatures at higher elevations. Additionally, snow-covered mountains can reflect sunlight, further cooling the surrounding areas.

How does weather affect static electricity?

Weather can affect static electricity by influencing air humidity levels. Higher humidity reduces static buildup, as moisture in the air helps to dissipate charges. In dry conditions, such as during winter or in arid climates, static electricity buildup is more common as there is less moisture to help discharge the electrical charge.

What is the climate of Oahu Hawaii?

Hawaii has a tropical climate and it rains sometimes.

Why should humidity be higher in woodland areas?

Humidity tends to be higher in woodland areas due to the presence of trees, which release water vapor through a process called transpiration. The dense vegetation in woodlands also helps to retain moisture in the air, leading to increased humidity levels. Additionally, the shade provided by the trees reduces evaporation, contributing to the overall higher humidity in woodland environments.

What is air moisture called?

Moisture in the air is called humidity. There are different measurements of humidity including absolute humidity.

Does humidity effect the weather?

Yes, the higher the humidity, the more chance of rain. 80-100% of humidity is rain.

Which type of air holds the most water vapor?

Warm air typically holds more water vapor than cold air. As air temperature increases, its capacity to hold water vapor also increases. This is why humidity tends to be higher in warm climates compared to cold climates.

What is the difference between a rainforest reptile and a desert reptile?

Rain Forest reptiles need higher humidity and live in warm, humid and rainy enviroments Desert Reptiles live in dry climates and need high heat

What a good sentence for humidity?

The humidity outside is very high.ORDuring the summer the humidity in the air is usually higher than in winter.

When the air is holding a small amount of water what kind of humidity does it have?

When the air is holding a small amount of water, it is likely to have low humidity. Low humidity means that the air has less water vapor present compared to its maximum capacity at that temperature.

What do higher latitudes climates become?

At higher latitudes, climates generally become colder due to the Earth's tilt causing more indirect sunlight to reach these regions. This results in shorter and cooler summers, longer and harsher winters, and a higher likelihood of snow and ice cover. Additionally, seasonal variation in daylight hours becomes more pronounced, with long summer days and long winter nights.