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When a map shows mountains and lakes and their altitudes, it is called a Topographical Map.

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Topographic maps show mountains and lakes with contour lines to represent elevation changes and symbols to represent bodies of water. These maps provide detailed information about the terrain, including the shape and height of the land and the location of water features like lakes and rivers.

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Q: What is it called when maps show mountains and lake?
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What are the maps that show the height of mountains and hills called?

Topographical map or contour map.

What maps are used to show the himalaya mountains are the highest in the world?

Elevation maps are used to show that the Himalaya mountains are the highest in the world. These maps visualize the varying heights of land surfaces, with the Himalayas standing out prominently due to their towering peaks, including Mount Everest, the highest point on Earth.

Do all maps show the same things?

No. Some maps can show the whole world while others can show national parks, mountains, hills, etc. But all maps show the way to something.

Maps that show landforms on an are are called?

Its called a Topographic map

Maps that show mountains rivers etc.?

a physical map shows mountains and rivers.

What are the differences and similarities of physical and political maps?

Physical maps show geographical features such as mountains, rivers, and landforms, while political maps display borders, cities, and countries. Both maps provide information about the Earth's surface, but physical maps focus on natural features, while political maps emphasize political boundaries and human settlements.

What is the difference between a political map and a physical maps?

Physical maps show physical and geologic features such as rivers and mountains. Political maps show artificial boundaries such as state lines and national borders.

How are physical and political maps alike?

Physical and political maps both display geographic features such as rivers, mountains, and cities. However, political maps also show boundaries, countries, and regions, while physical maps focus more on the natural landscape of an area.

What kind of maps show rivers mountains and plateaus?

A physical map is the one that shows things like rivers, mountains and plateaus. The proper name for them however is a topographic maps.

What are physical maps and political maps?

it's usually a map were all the lakes, sea, rivers, mountains, plateaus, and etc are at

How both political and physical map the same?

Political maps show borders, cities, and capitals, while physical maps show topographic features like mountains, rivers, and landforms. Both types of maps can include labels and legends to help explain the information displayed. Additionally, both political and physical maps use colors and symbols to represent different geographical features.

What are the similarities between physical maps and political maps?

My thinking is that physical and political maps both have labels, labeling the cities, countries, or important areas.