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Q: What is it called when days are very hot but nights are very cold?
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How long are days and nights in January and July in Hammerfest Norway?

In Hammerfest, Norway, during January (winter), the days are very short and the nights are long, with only a few hours of daylight. In contrast, during July (summer), the days are very long with almost 24 hours of daylight and very short or no nights at all.

What climate has more extreme temperatures?

Desert climates typically have more extreme temperatures, with very hot days and very cold nights due to low humidity and lack of cloud cover. Additionally, polar climates also experience extreme temperature fluctuations, with frigid cold temperatures in winter and milder temperatures in summer due to the tilt of the Earth's axis.

What is it called when organisms live in very hot or cold areas?

Organisms living in very hot areas are called thermophiles, while those living in very cold areas are known as psychrophiles.

Why are days on Mercury very hot and nights very cold?

Mercury has a thin atmosphere that cannot retain heat well, causing rapid temperature changes. During the day, the surface absorbs a lot of heat from the Sun due to its close proximity, causing temperatures to rise. At night, without an atmosphere to hold in heat, the surface quickly cools down, leading to very cold temperatures.

Does mercury have days and nights?

Yes, Mercury has days and nights similar to other planets in our solar system. However, because Mercury rotates very slowly on its axis, one day on Mercury is equivalent to about 59 Earth days. This slow rotation means that a day on Mercury is much longer than its night.

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Is 6 degrees Celsius cold for Ireland?

It would not be very cold, as it can be colder than that at times, going into freezing on cold winter days and nights.

What is found at both the South Pole and the North Pole?

Very cold weather, and very long days and nights.

What are the conditions of a desert environment during the day and at night?

There are hot deserts and there are cold deserts. Antarctica is the largest desert on earth and the days and nights are both bitterly cold. Hot deserts are hot during the day but quickly cool at night. Some cold deserts can be quite hot in the summer but bitterly cold in winter. The Gobi Desert is a good example.

What is the best time of the year to visit Ballarat?

Ballarat is very hot in summer, and its winter nights (and even days) can be very cold. It is a beautiful place to visit in Autumn and Spring.

Is three words that tell the action of winter?

Very cold nights.

Why are nights colder than days on mountains?

No its not. Mountains are very cold. Colder than anything else than i can image. If this does not help then im very sorry after all im only 8 years old

Very long days or nights occur at the?

Near the polar regions.

What is the average temperature of Michigan between September and December?

September is one of the pleasantest months in Michigan. Days are usually pleasant, nights pleasantly cool, though 80 degree days are also common. October is similar, minus ten degrees day and night. Nights in October begin to get genuinely chilly. Also, stretches of several rainly days in a row are common in late October and early November. Except for the rare year with a true Indian Summer, November is very cool to cold, wiht days and nights being similar. There are fewer sunny days in November. December is cold, but usually not extremely cold, and will usually see the first snowfalls of the winter.

What is the rocky mountain's climate?

in the rockies it is very cold durng the nights but during the day it will perculate!

What is the vegetation in the cordillera?

it is very sunny and rainy on days that are very cold and days that are hail.

Why do snails hide?

Snails hide because they do not like being eaten by birds very much of course. They also hide to keep their body temperature how they like it, during hot summer and cold winter nights and days.

How cold is Russia?

The weather in russia is very cold in the winter but not that hot in the summer which is tundra.