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5d ago

When a warm air mass catches up with a cold air mass, it is known as an occluded front. At this point, the warm air mass is forced aloft as the faster-moving cold front overtakes the slower-moving warm front. This results in cooler temperatures and often precipitation.

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Q: What is it called when a warm air mass catches up with a cold air mas?
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When a cold air mass catches up to a warm air mass its called a what?

When a cold FRONT catches up to a warm FRONT it is called an occluded front.When a cold AIR MASS displaces a warmer AIR MASS it is a cold front.Occluded front

When a cold cold air mass catches up to a warm air mass it's called a what front?

An occluded front.

What front is it called when a cold air mass catches up to a warm air mass?

When a cold air mass catches up to a warm air mass, it is called a cold front. At a cold front, the cold air replaces the warm air, creating a boundary between the two air masses. This can result in the formation of clouds, precipitation, and potentially severe weather.

What weather happens in a warm front?

In a warm front, warm air replaces cold air as the warm air mass gradually advances over the cold air mass. This can lead to prolonged periods of steady precipitation, such as rain or drizzle, as the warm air is forced to rise over the cooler air. Cloudiness and milder temperatures are characteristic of warm fronts.

When a cold air mass catches up with a warm air mass, the result is often a front?


When a cold air mass catches up with a warm air mass the result is often front a?


When a cold air mass catches up with a warm air mass the result is often a front.?


When a cold air mass catches up with a warm air mass the result is often a(an)?

An occluded front.

When cold air mass catches up with a warm air mass the result is often what?

When a cold air mass catches up with a warm air mass, it can result in the formation of a cold front. This can lead to abrupt changes in weather conditions, such as thunderstorms, heavy rain, or even snow if the temperatures are cold enough.

When a cold air mass catches up with a warm air mass the results is often an?

An occluded front.

When a cold air mass catches up with a warm air mass the result is often a(n)?


When cold air mass catches up with a warm air mass the result is often a(n) what front?
