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Chemical and physical properties

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Q: What is it called when a property that describes the way a substance acts with another substance?
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What is a property that determines how a substance can be converted to another substance?

This property is called chemical reactivity.

What is the chemical property that describes the ability of two or more substances to combine to form new substance?

This property is called reactivity.

What is the property that describes how easily a substance catches fire and burn?

The property that describes how easily a substance catches fire and burns is called flammability. It measures the ability of a material to ignite and sustain combustion when exposed to a heat source.

The characteristic of a substance that can be observed, without changing it into another substance, is called a?

A physical property is a characteristic of a substance that can be observed or measured without changing the identity of the substance.

Which physical property describes the temperature at which a solid becomes a liquid?

The physical property that describes the temperature at which a solid becomes a liquid is called the melting point. It is the temperature at which the solid and liquid phases of a substance coexist in equilibrium.

What is a substance dissolve in another substance called?

A substance that dissolves in another substance is called a solute.

What is the ability of a substance to combine chemically with another substance called?

The ability of a substance to combine chemically with another substance is called reactivity. It refers to the tendency of a substance to undergo a chemical reaction with other substances.

What describes a chemical property of a substance?

A chemical property of a substance refers to its ability to undergo a chemical change or reaction to form new substances. This property is related to the substance's composition and arrangement of atoms. Examples of chemical properties include reactivity with other substances, flammability, and acidity or basicity.

The particles of a substance are able to slide past one another are called?

The particles of a substance that are able to slide past one another are called "fluid." This property allows fluids to flow and take the shape of their container. Liquids and gases are examples of fluids.

What is a mineral property that describes the way light reflects from the mineral?

The property that describes a mineral's surface shines is called luster.

The property of matter that describes its ability to change into new matter with different properties is known as?

Energy is the ability to cause a change in matter.

What is it when property describes the ability of a substance to change into different substances?

It is called chemical reactivity, where a substance can undergo chemical reactions and transform into different substances with new properties. This property is essential in understanding how substances interact with each other in various chemical processes.