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Q: What is it called when a cell membrane absorb virus?
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What will the cell membrane will absorb?

The cell membrane will selectively absorb nutrients, water, and other molecules needed for the cell's function and survival. It also plays a role in regulating the intake of substances into the cell and expelling waste products out of the cell.

A Virus Has No Outer Membrane Is it a cell?

Virus have no cells

What is it called when a virus attached to host cell injects its nucleic acid into the host cell then makes more viruses?

Attachment, or adsorption, occurs between the virus and the host cell membrane. A hole forms in the cell membrane, then the virus particle or its genetic contents are released into the host cell, where viral reproduction may begin.

The capsid of a virus is the?

the protection of a cell

Do virus' have cell membrane?

No, viruses do not have a cell membrane. They are made up of genetic material (either DNA or RNA) enclosed in a protein coat called a capsid. Viruses lack the cellular structures found in living organisms.

What do enveloped viruses possess?

As the virus is leaving the cell (budding), it sometimes takes along a part of the cell's membrane called the envelope. Those viruses without an envelope are called "naked" viruses. Those with one are said to be enveloped.

What is the first event that occurred when a virus infects the host cell?

The virus attaches to the host cells membrane.

What makes a cell increase in size faster the cell membrane or the cell contents?

a virus

What is the outer boundary of a cheek cell called?

The outer boundary of a cheek cell is called the cell membrane or plasma membrane. It acts as a barrier, controlling the movement of substances in and out of the cell.

How are viruses which typically have a lipid covering called an envelope released from the host cell?

Viruses with an envelope are released from host cells by budding off the cell membrane. During this process, the virus pushes through the host cell's membrane, acquiring an envelope derived from the host cell's membrane. This budding process allows the virus to leave the host cell without causing immediate cell death.

Do viruses absorb?

No, they basicaly infect a cell with the insides of the virus

What is the membrane of a plant called?

The membrane is inside the cell wall, and its just called the cell membrane.