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isostacy refers to equilibrium that exist between part of the geology the term is used to refer to gravitational equilibrium between lithosphere and asthenosphere.

isostacy is explained by isostacy theory that state ;=total mass of the rock in any vertical column of unit cross-section is constant.

Two hypothesis are used to explain the earth,that is

-principle of mass compensation by J.H Pratt in 1854

-principle of depth compensation by G.B Airy in 1855.

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Isostasy is the concept that the Earth's crust is floating on the denser mantle below, seeking equilibrium. This explains why land masses are not flat because the crust adjusts vertically to maintain balance with the underlying mantle. Mountains have thicker crust, causing them to rise higher, while ocean basins have thinner crust, allowing them to sink lower.

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Q: What is isostacy and how does it explain why the earts land masses are not flat?
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Do omnivores have sharp teeth like carnivores or flat teeth like herbivores explain?

Omnivores typically have a combination of sharp teeth for tearing and flat teeth for grinding. This allows them to consume both meat and plants efficiently. Their teeth are adapted to handle a diverse diet that includes both animal and plant materials.

What are the boundaries of air mass called?

An air mass is a large body of air that has relatively uniform temperature and humidity characteristics. The regions where air masses form are referred to as air mass source regions. If air remains over a source region long enough, it will acquire the properties of the surface below. Ideal source regions are regions that are generally flat and of uniform composition. Examples include central Canada, Siberia, the northern and southern oceans and large deserts.

Do omnivores have teeth like carnivores or flat teeth explain?

Omnivores typically have a combination of sharp teeth for tearing meat and flat teeth for grinding plants. Carnivores have sharp teeth for slicing meat, while herbivores have flat teeth for grinding plants. Omnivores' teeth structure allows them to consume a varied diet of both meat and plants.

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The flute notes for "Firework" by Katy Perry would depend on the specific arrangement or version you are using. However, the main melody can typically be played in the range of D4 to A5 on the flute. You can find sheet music or tutorials online for more specific guidance.

What is area distortion?

Area distortion refers to a change in the size or shape of a surface area when it is represented on a different scale or projection. This can occur when transferring data from a globe to a flat map, causing inaccuracies in the representation of land masses. Different map projections can result in varying degrees of area distortion.

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