

What is inside bacteria?

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: What is inside bacteria?
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Does bacteria cell contain another bacteria?

No, bacteria can not endocytosise another bacteria. bacteria contains cell wall, DNA called nucleoid and cytoplasm. Bacteria can make its own proteins by its ribosomes..No, they do not. They are not large enough for more bacteria inside.

Can bacteria harm from the outside and inside?

yes it can because imagine if you were dead bacteria can eat you.

Does more bacteria grow inside or out?

Inside or outside of what? Your colon? Your house? Your cat?

What happens to bacteria when they are boiled?

When bacteria are boiled the heat energy from the boiling water transfers through to the cells of the bacteria causing the water inside them to begin boiling as well. This increases the pressure inside the cells until they bursts, killing the bacteria. However boiling water will not have this effect on all bacteria.

Do bacteria eat your insides?

No, bacteria doesn't eat your insides. In fact, you already have bacteria inside your intestines that help you survive life.

Does a closed can of pop expire?

Yes, Bacteria will eventually be able to get inside the can. Bacteria cannot find their way inside a sealed can but the acid present in the drink will eventually begin to corrode and dissolve the inside surface of the aluminum can.

How is bacteria hurtful?

Some bacteria can hurt you but most of it is good. bacteria is what makes you sick ,yes. but bacteria is all inside your body to help fight against the bacteria or germs that makes you sick

What structure differentiates from a bacteria?

In terms of what ? I u are asking about bacteria in terms of viruses Bacteria are living and can reproduce themselves While viruses are ghosts they can only live inside a host and also can reproduce inside it Hope i answered u

Is bacteria inside a person's body an organism of the same species?

No, bacteria are separate organisms from the body, and there are many different species of bacteria living in humans.

What is a termite's favorite breakfast?

Termites ingest wood, but it's the bacteria inside their bodies that digest it.

What level of bacteria is allowed in canned foods?

caned food must be sterile.No bacteria its founded inside the canne.