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Q: What is indirect and direct biodiversity?
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What the different between direct and indirect economic value of biodiversity?

The direct value of biodiversity means the direct economic value of the products and species that are sold. Indirect economic values include intrinsic, or emotional value of the species.

What is the difference between indirect and direct economic value of biodiversity?

The direct value of biodiversity means the direct economic value of the products and species that are sold. Indirect economic values include intrinsic, or emotional value of the species.

Is global warming an indirect or direct threat to biodiversity?

Global warming is a direct threat to biodiversity because it can directly impact ecosystems through changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, and sea levels, which can result in habitat loss, shifts in species distributions, and increased extinction risks for many species.

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ones direct and the other is indirect..

Is you a direct or indirect object?

"You" can be either a direct or indirect object: It is a direct object in "I want to kiss you." It is an indirect object in "Henry is going to give you the tickets."

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Direct object: food Indirect object: dog

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Is medal a direct or indirect object?

The noun medal can be the direct or the indirect object of the sentence. For example: Direct: He gave the medal to her. Indirect: His mom praised him for his winning medal.

When do you say direct and indirect?

Direct refers to something that occurs without intermediaries or interruptions, while indirect means it occurs through intermediaries or has intervening factors. For example, a direct flight goes from one point to another without stopping, whereas an indirect flight may involve layovers or connecting flights.

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