A person who lives in a lamp is typically referred to as a "lamp dweller" or "lamp resident."
You can convert a clamp on desk lamp to a lamp with a regular base by purchasing a tabletop bracket for the lamp. This bracket can act as a base for the lamp.
The luster of the lamp is restored
According to a YouTube video, one attaches a lamp base to a lamp by checking if the shaft is connected to the smaller base, then attaching that base to the larger base of a lamp.
The term "lamp" in "genie lamp" refers to the object's shape and design, which resembles a traditional oil lamp with a spout and a handle. This design has been associated with genie folklore due to its Middle Eastern origins, where genies are often depicted emerging from a lamp when summoned.
This is a very indecent question. Your clothes are indecent Your face is indecent Your mom is indecent Your penis is indecent
The Indecent was created in 2008.
An Indecent Obsession was created in 1981.
Indecent Songs was created in 2003.
You are an indecent human being! :)
Indecent means "offensive to good taste".
A prefix for decent is in, giving indecent.
The correct spelling of "indecent" is I-N-D-E-C-E-N-T.
The man took indecent pleasure in Samantha's troubles.
The duration of Indecent Proposal is 1.97 hours.
The duration of The Indecent Woman is 1.58 hours.