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A traffic bond is a financial guarantee that a driver will comply with the regulations and requirements associated with traffic violations. It is often required when a driver is issued a traffic ticket and needs to appear in court. If the driver fails to appear or comply, the bond amount may be forfeited.

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This web site has a calculator to determine how many cu yards and tons one needs of limestone "traffic bond". Using that calculator (and changing numbers until I got 1 ton) the calculator says I would need .66 cu yards.

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No, it is not an adverb. Traffic is a noun, which can also be used as an adjunct or adjective (traffic laws, traffic lanes).

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The type of bond in which two atoms share electrons is called a covalent bond.

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How many bonds are present in one double bond and one single bond?

In one double bond, there are 2 bonds (1 σ bond and 1 π bond), and in one single bond, there is 1 bond (1 σ bond). So in total, there are 3 bonds present (1 σ bond and 1 π bond from the double bond, and 1 σ bond from the single bond).

What is the difference between a double bond and triple bond?

double bond contains one sigma bond and one pi bond triple bond contains one sigma bond and two pi bond

What chemical bond that occurs when atoms share electrons?

covalent bond,coordinate bond and singlet bond

A chemical bond that occurs when atoms share electrons is a what kind of bond?

When a bond is formed by atoms by sharing the electrons, the bond is called a covalent bond.