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Q: What is important to remember about fires where electricity is involved?
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Which gas do fire fighters use?

firefighters use carbon dioxide to put out fires.

Why is coal important to life on Earth?

There are many reasons coal is important to life on earth, a main one is power. The world runs on electricity now, and coal is a main source of power. also fires, coal has always been important in fires.

Why is necessary to know which objects are conductorsinsulators of electricity?

Knowing which objects are conductors or insulators of electricity is important for safety reasons. Conductors allow electricity to flow through them easily, while insulators prevent electricity from passing through. Understanding this distinction helps prevent electrical accidents and fires.

Why oil conduct electricity?

because the electricity would create a reaction that would cause fires

What is a dangerous use of static electricity?

A dangerous use of static electricity is the risk of sparking in environments with flammable gases or vapors. The spark created by static electricity can ignite these substances, leading to fires or explosions. It is important to manage static electricity in such environments to prevent accidents.

What would happen if electricity is used unsafely?

Using electricity unsafely can lead to electric shocks, fires, and even potentially fatal accidents. It is important to follow safety guidelines to prevent any harm to yourself and others.

How did people cook their food without electricity?

open fires.

What are the dangers of electricity?

The primary danger of electricity is possible electrocution.

When can heat and electricity become harmful?

Heat and electricity can become harmful when they are at excessively high levels, leading to burns, fires, or electrical shock. It is important to handle and use heat sources and electrical systems with caution to avoid accidents and injuries.

How do we remember bonfire night?

we celebrate it with fire works and fires

What is the most common source of ignition for fires?

Well that would be electricity or Godzilla.

How many firefighters were involved in putting out the black Saturday fires?
