Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. She is known for her captivating beauty and power to influence love and desire among gods and mortals. Aphrodite is a symbol of passion and represents the importance of love and relationships in Greek mythology.
he is important because he is awsome
Zoology is a subject of study. It is not especially important to Islam. It is important for all.
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unloving people
the answer where aprodite is from it is on wikipedia
Aprodite and a cyclops.
it was in 1576 whan azuchi met aprodite the love of his life had this castle made for them.
Technicly,because Aprodite is the godess of love she may just love everything but Ares is her BF but she may just love Kratos too
Aprodite was the goddess of love and beauty. She has many beliefs tied to her "becoming." One is that she was foam-born, as horses were believed to be. This would mean that she was born from Poseidon's realm, the sea. Another is that she was Zeus and Dione's duaghter. Dione was a Titan. The last one is that she herself was a Titan. Not all the Titans were bad and were condemned to eternal torture in their various prisons. Aphrodite was the greek goddess of love.
Aprodite! She was said to rise from the sea, dressed in a pretty white gown with pearls on the chest and on the skirt, hair sparkiling with a pearl tiara. The godz, those BOYS, started salivating when they saw this godess!
No, she didn't she actually was married to Hephaestus but was cheating on him with Ares. P.S: Hephaestus knew that she was cheating As far as I know Aprodite cared neither one way or another about Hercules. She doesnt go out of her way to do anything to help or harm him.
Ares was a hot head. You didn't want to mess with him. But he loved war above everything. He had a soft spot for Aprodite the goddess of love and beauty. They were always together. But Aprodite had a husband Aphaeteus he was ugly and she didn't want him but learned to love him. Ares loved his weapons, the battle, the killing and death, he was beautiful like the other gods he was just obsessed with war. In Greek Mythology, Ares is the son of Zeus and Hera. He is the God of bloodlust or slaughter. Ares is an ancient noun meaning battle, war. His symbols are the vulture, dog, burning torch and spear.
The most evil Greek goddess was Aphrodite. EDIT: Aprodite? Please, I think you mean Hera. Reply: Sorry, I guess I was just distracted at this mere reason. Sorry to say, but you might be right and I might be right. It just matters on the opinion of one's self conscience.
Adonis was not a god, he was a man who was admired by Aphrodite and Persephone. Since they kept fighting over him Zeus said that Adonis will spend four months with Aphrodite and four months with Persephone. The other four months he could choose to spend them with Aprodite or Persephone. He usually chose Aphrodite.
There is Zeus, the lord of the gods Posiedon the water god Hades lord of the dead Athena goddess of wisdom and warfare Apollo god of prophecy Artemis goddess of the hunt Aprodite goddess of love Ares the god of war Hermes the messanger god Mr.D ( don't want to attempt spelling his name) god of wine and many more!!!!!!!!