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A tank is typically heavier than an airplane. Tanks are military vehicles designed for combat, and they are armored and heavily equipped with weapons. Airplanes are designed for flight, and their weight can vary depending on the type and size of the aircraft.

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Q: What is heavier a tank or an a eroplane?
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Does water sink to the bottom of a gasoline tank?

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The supports for the tank may not be strong enough to hold the tank and its liquid contents (which may be substantially heavier than the tank). Additionally, the filling process may apply uneven stress in various areas of the tank structure, where shifting pressure causes the side walls or bottom to separate or split open.

What is a water heel in a petroleum storage tank?

I am a Coordinator at an inspection company for the Port of Houston. As far as I have experience in this, a heel is product that is below the roof level (if there is one) in a storage tank. Water heel probably just refers to the amount of water in the product at the bottom of the tank, as water is usually heavier than most products.

What is heavier a steel tank or aluminum tank?

steel because of the sheer amount of mass in the steel it is an obvious winImproved AnswerIt depends on the tank size, but in general steel is lighter out of the water. This is because steel is stronger than aluminum and you don't need as much metal to hold the pressure. If you put a steel tank next to an aluminum you will notice the steel is a smaller size for size even though it holds the same amount of gas. The aluminum tank is larger since it needs more metal to hold the pressure and thus is heavier. But steel is also more negative in the water so you can take some weight off your weight belt too.

Does a paintball gun use any size co2 tank?

size is all personal preference, you can get something as small as a 9oz or up to a 24oz co2 tank, the larger the tank is the more shots you will get off of it but the heavier and larger it will be

What German tank had trouble with the gears?

What German Tank had trouble with Gears? Bascially as German Tank development became biased toward heavier tanks they all did! The Panther, Tiger I, King Tiger, JagdTiger all had problems with the gears, The heavier tanks put more weight on transmission and engine drive which in turn led to more strain on the gears. These issues were never resolved. The Panther weighed in at 45 tons and initially had many problems with the gears (Amongst other things!) but this was resolved and it went on to become one of the best medium tanks of the war.

Do you save more gas by filling up the tank as opposed to putting in a set dollar amount?

Basically the heavier a vehicle is, the more power it needs to move and therefore has a larger consumption. This is why if you fill the tank full, the car will be a bit heavier and therefore will burn a little bit more. However the difference is really insignificant. If you want to ask more experienced environmentalists and hypermilers, join a gas saving community like Nik

What is a synonym for get heavier?

get heavier or fatter