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Q: What is happening during childbirth in biology When a woman goes into labor during childbirth when the cervix expands which sends a signal to the pituitary gland to release oxidizing?
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Sure! Here are 20 areas of biology: Genetics Ecology Cellular biology Evolutionary biology Microbiology Botany Zoology Biochemistry Physiology Immunology Neurobiology Biotechnology Molecular biology Marine biology Conservation biology Environmental biology Epidemiology Developmental biology Plant biology Animal behavior

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In biology, respiration may refer to the process happening at the cellular level where nutrients are converted to energy, or the respiration of the body as a whole. In the latter, oxygen is taken into the body, and carbon dioxide is formed as a byproduct.

What are the special areas of biology in alphabetical orders?

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the 3 divisions of biology is SOIL,BIOLOGY and BIOCHEMISTRY....