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It is barium.

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Q: What is group 2 metal is on period 6?
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What Element is in group 2 period 2?

The element in group 2 period 2 is beryllium with the chemical symbol Be. It has an atomic number of 4 and is a metal with a relatively low density.

Chromium belongs to the?

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Tungsten is classified as a transition metal on the periodic table. It is in Group 6 and Period 6.

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The metal in period 6 group 1 is francium. Francium is a highly radioactive and rare alkali metal with chemical symbol Fr and atomic number 87. Due to its extreme rarity and radioactivity, it is not commonly found in nature.

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there is no element found in such a place because that spot doesn't exist. there is a period 4-7 but not 1-3 for group 6. that particular spot is open and doesn't include any elements

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Give the period and group in which each of these elements is found nitrogen sodium iodine and mercury?

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What are the periods and groups in which these elements are found nitrogen sodium iodineand mercury?

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What period on the periodic table is barium?

Barium, atomic number 56, is in group 2 of period VI (six) in the periodic system.

What is the period and group for lutetium?

Lutetium is located in period 6 and group 3 on the periodic table. It is a rare earth metal with the atomic number 71.

What has metallic period 6 56 protons?

The element with 56 protons in period 6 is barium (Ba). It is a soft, silvery metal that is an alkaline earth metal. Barium is commonly used in a variety of applications, including in the medical field for certain imaging procedures.