You will feel like you can take on the world one minute amd want to go hide under a rock the next!
Tums are called antacids because they help to neutralize excess stomach acid. The ingredients in Tums, such as calcium carbonate, work by raising the pH level in the stomach, which helps to alleviate symptoms of heartburn and indigestion.
Gastrin is a hormone secreted by the stomach which stimulates the secretion of hydrochloric acid, increase motility, and stomach emptying.
Well i think.... i dont know
Actualy you dont oh well i dont know ok i will ask that to a dentist
i dont feel good and i have to go on a car ride for 47 miles what do i do
well we dont feel good. cramps. sometimes we break out. and we just dont feel good. were mad that boys dont get it and they always wonder why were crabby which is annoying
well you can swallow baby octupus and feel in your stomach, well the tentacles actually
Well you can but I don't recommend it unless you dont want to feel good
say 'well I dont wanna feel you!' hahaa
Yes, you may be.
well your stomach grumbles because you need food in your body but if you dont when your belly grumbles you might faint.
Well they should just have a good feeling if you dont trust them dont send out a spy sit down and talk them face to face!!!! If you feel their lying to your face then well its time to move on.<this is a women by the way.>
well you cant feel anything your just broken well if your heart broken you feel despair emotinal dont wanna talk to anybody!
well the way is by i dont know go on with your life STUPID!
You feel well, but food is good.
Fasion is good if u feel it is good. Some people are fine with jeans and a t-shirt everyday but if u feel that u dont want to live like that well..... u have fasion fever! Go to the mall and get you your own style and taste good luck!!