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GLycogen is basically just long strings of glucose molecules hooked together. They are found in muscles and the liver, and provide an energy source when glucose is not readily available in the bloodstream.

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5d ago

Glycogen is a complex carbohydrate that serves as a storage form of glucose in animals, including humans. It is formed and stored mainly in the liver and muscles. In the human body, glycogen serves as a readily available source of energy during periods of high energy demand, such as exercise or fasting.

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Q: What is glycogen how is it famed and what is it function in human body?
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in the human body exces glucose enters anabolic pathways and may be converted into glycogen or what

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How human body deal with excess glucose?

The human body deals with excess glucose by turning it into glycogen, fatty acids, triglycerides, or energy.

In what form is glucose stored in the human body?

Glucose is stored in the body as glycogen. Excess glucose in circulation is normally polymerized within the liver and muscles as glycogen, which is hydrolyzed to glucose as needed.

What happens when the rate of synthesesing glycogen is high?

When the synthesizing glycogen is high in the human body it means that you have hypoglycemia. Hypoglycemia is when you have too much insulin in your system.

Where is a glycogen stored in human body?

Glycogen is primarily stored in the liver and muscles in the human body. In the liver, glycogen acts as a reservoir of glucose for the body's energy needs, while in muscles, it serves as a local source of energy during physical activity.

Why does out body save glycogen instead of fat?

Glycogen can readily be converted by the human body cells into gucogen for energy. * correction to that answer just posted: the word is : Glucogen (forgot to type in the letter L)

How do the human body is glucose stored?

Glucose is stored in the body as glycogen. It is stored in the liver and in muscle tissue until it is needed, then the hormone glucagon - 'turns-the-sugar-on'- and releases the glycogen as glucose into the bloodstream.

How much glycogen does the body typically store?

The human body can store between 300-500 grams of glycogen, with the liver storing about 100 grams and the muscles storing approximately 400 grams. This glycogen serves as a readily accessible energy source for the body, particularly during exercise.

Where is glucose stored in the body?

Glucose is stored in the liver and muscles in the form of glycogen. When blood sugar levels are high, excess glucose is converted to glycogen for storage. This stored glycogen can be broken down back into glucose when needed for energy.

Which one of the following can store the largest total amount of Glycogen in the human body?

Skeletal muscle