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Q: What is function of TKM in DNA isolation?
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Function of tris HCl in DNA isolation?

Tris HCl is used as a buffer in DNA isolation to maintain a stable pH level during the process. It helps to prevent pH fluctuations that can affect the integrity of the DNA molecule. Tris HCl also aids in the solubilization of proteins and DNA, ensuring efficient extraction of DNA from the sample.

What is the role of sorbitol in DNA isolation?

Sorbitol is often used in DNA extraction as a stabilizing agent to maintain the integrity of the DNA during the isolation process. It helps protect DNA from damage caused by enzymes or other cellular components that may be present in the sample. Sorbitol helps to ensure that the extracted DNA remains intact and suitable for downstream applications, such as PCR or sequencing.

Role of sucrose in DNA isolation from human blood?

Sucrose is used in DNA isolation from human blood as a protective agent to help maintain the integrity of the DNA during the isolation process. It helps to stabilize the DNA by providing a protective barrier against enzymes and other degradation factors present in the blood sample. Additionally, sucrose can aid in the separation of DNA from other cellular components during the isolation procedure.

What is the function of sodium citrate in DNA isolation?

Sodium citrate is used in DNA isolation to prevent DNA degradation by chelating divalent cations such as magnesium and calcium, which can act as cofactors for DNases. By binding these ions, sodium citrate helps to stabilize the DNA and protect it from enzymatic degradation during the isolation process.

What are the function of sodium acetate in dna isolation?

Sodium acetate is used in DNA isolation as a salt to promote DNA precipitation, helping to remove contaminants and impurities from the DNA sample. It is commonly used in combination with ethanol to precipitate DNA from solution, allowing for the extraction and purification of DNA for further analysis. Sodium acetate also helps to maintain the appropriate pH level for DNA precipitation to occur effectively.

What is the function of phenol in dna isolation?

Phenol plays a role in DNA isolation by helping to separate DNA from proteins and other contaminants. It is used in a phenol-chloroform extraction step to denature proteins and lipids, allowing DNA to remain in the aqueous phase while these contaminants are removed into the organic phase. This helps to purify the DNA sample for downstream applications.

What is the function of ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid in DNA isolation?

Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) is a chelating agent commonly used in DNA isolation to sequester divalent metal ions, such as Mg2+, that are required by nucleases to degrade DNA. By removing these metal ions, EDTA helps to inhibit the activity of nucleases and stabilize the DNA during the isolation process.

What is the function of the phosphate buffer in DNA isolation?

The phosphate buffer helps to maintain the stability of DNA during the isolation process by providing a suitable pH environment for DNA binding to extraction columns. It also helps to prevent DNA degradation by inhibiting enzymes that might be present in the sample.

Use of agrose in DNA isolation?

Agarose gel is used to separate DNA fragments based on size during electrophoresis. Agarose forms a matrix through which DNA molecules move under an electric field. This helps in visualizing and analyzing DNA samples by separating them according to their size.

What is the principle involved in the isolation procedure?

The principle involved in the isolation procedure is separating the target substance from other components in a sample based on differences in their physical or chemical properties. This can be achieved through techniques such as filtration, extraction, distillation, or chromatography. The goal is to obtain a pure sample of the substance of interest for further analysis or use.

What is the role of carrier RNA in DNA isolation?

Carrier RNA is used in DNA isolation to help precipitate and recover DNA more efficiently. It acts as a carrier for the DNA during precipitation, helping to aggregate the DNA molecules together for ease of isolation. This improves DNA recovery and purity during the isolation process.

Why chilled ethanol is added for DNA isolation?

to precipitate extracted DNA