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When crustal rocks are compressed, they can form folded structures like mountains or mountain ranges. The intense pressure can also cause the rocks to undergo metamorphism, transforming them into new types of rocks like schist or gneiss. Additionally, faulting and earthquakes can occur as a result of this compression.

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Q: What is formed when crustal rocks are compressed?
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What are rocks formed from?

Organic rocks form from dead organisms that pile up and is compressed into a rock.

What rocks are formed when sediments are compressed compacted and cemented togerther?

Sedimentary rocks are formed when sediments are compressed, compacted, and cemented together. Examples include sandstone, shale, and limestone.

What are organic rocks formed from?

Organic rocks form from dead organisms that pile up and is compressed into a rock.

How are each of the major types of rocks formed?

Igneous rocks are formed from magma or lava cooling and hardening. Sedimentary rocks are formed from sediments being compressed and cemented together. Metamorphic rocks are rocks that are changed by extreme heat and pressure.

Rocks that have layers or clasts were formed by what?

Rocks that have layers or clasts are typically formed through deposition and compaction of sediments. Sedimentary rocks like sandstone or shale are created when layers of sediment are compressed over time, while conglomerate rocks with visible clasts are formed from the cementation of rounded rock fragments.

What is crustal material called?

Crustal material is called rock. Rocks are composed of different minerals and can be classified into three main types based on how they are formed: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. These rocks make up the outermost layer of the Earth's crust.

How are rocks related to earth science?

Because rocks are formed deep in the Earth, and sometimes by compressed sand other sedimentary material.

What are organs formed from?

Organic rocks form from dead organisms that pile up and is compressed into a rock.

Can rocks change from any other type of rock?

Yes, rocks can change from any type.Igneous rocks can be compressed and change into a Metamorphic.Sedimentary and Metamorphic can be heated and compressed together to form any kind of Metamorphic.Sedimentary rocks can be formed from chips of an Igneous rock.And so forth. . .

What is formed when two crustal plates collide what surface feature is created?

When two crustal plates collide, they can form mountain ranges. The collision forces the crustal rocks to deform and buckle, leading to the creation of folded and uplifted mountain belts on the Earth's surface.

What rocks are formed by compressed sediments?

Sedimentary rocks like sandstone, shale, and limestone are formed when layers of sediments are compacted and cemented together over time. This process is known as lithification.

What has less density--the crustal rocks or the mantle rocks?

The crustal rocks have less density than the mantle rocks. The continental crust is less dense than the oceanic crust, which is in turn less dense than the mantle beneath.