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A peptide

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When 10 amino acids are bonded together, a peptide is formed. Peptides are short chains of amino acids linked by peptide bonds.

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Q: What is formed when 10 amino acids are bonded together?
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What is a macromolecule made from carefully folded strings of amino acids?

Amino acids "join together" to form polypeptides. The amino acids are covalently bonded together via a condensation reaction to form a peptide bond. A chain of the amino acids bonded together is known as the polypeptide. A protein is made up of one or more polypeptides.

Proteins are polymers formed from?

Proteins are polymers formed from amino acids, which are linked together by peptide bonds. The sequence of amino acids in a protein determines its unique structure and function. Proteins are essential for many biological processes in the body.

What are numerous amino acids bonded together called?

Numerous amino acids bonded together are called polypeptides. These polymers are formed when multiple amino acid monomers link together through peptide bonds, forming a long chain. Polypeptides can fold into specific shapes to create proteins with diverse functions.

Where amino acids are strung together to form a protein?

Amino acids are bonded together with peptide bonds in protein synthesis at the ribosomes.

Numerous amino acids bonded together?

Polypeptide chain.

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When amino acids are bonded together what do they make?


What type of macromolecules are formed when amino acids are joined together?

Amino acids are joined together through peptide bonds to form proteins, which are macromolecules.

What are the monomers in proteins called how are those monomers bonded together?

The monomers in proteins are called macromolecule. Monomers are bonded together by chemicals.

What smaller molecules must be bonded together to make proteins?

Amino acids must be bonded together in a specific sequence to form a protein. Each amino acid has a central carbon atom bonded to an amino group, a carboxyl group, a hydrogen atom, and a side chain (R group) that varies between different amino acids. When amino acids join together through peptide bonds, they form a polypeptide chain that folds into a specific three-dimensional structure to create a protein.

Proteins are formed of building blocks called?

Amino acids held together by peptide bonds.

How many strings of amino acids dose a polypeptide consist of?

a polypeptide is ten or more amino acids bonded together