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gunpowder for the general public and/or flash powder only used by professionals

as for getting different colours out of them you can use different material such as aluminum to get a silver colour.
Gas and fire (tense the name) the gas makes it go off just like you should not smoke in a gas station because when the fire touches the gas it explodes just like fire works

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7y ago
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3mo ago

Fireworks are made of a mixture of chemicals that include an oxidizing agent, a fuel, and a coloring agent. The oxidizing agent provides oxygen for combustion, the fuel generates heat to produce the desired effect, and the coloring agent is responsible for the vibrant colors seen in the display. Additionally, other ingredients such as binders and regulators may be added to control the speed and intensity of the reaction.

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9y ago

A sparkler is essential made of soft wood. It also has a flammable section at its tip. Once lit, the sparkler will shoot out sparks and illuminate its immediate surroundings. There are also several sparkler designs, shapes, styles, sizes, and even colors.

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13y ago

gun powder - maybe, or -

The "classic" type of sparkler consists of a thin metal rod approximately one foot long that has been dipped in a thick batter of pyrotechnic composition and allowed to dry. This composition is rich in a metallic fuel such as aluminum or iron, which when burned creates silver or gold sparks, respectively. The fuel typically contains potassium nitrate or sometimes potassium chlorate as an oxidizer, sometimes with sulfur and carbon. Colored flame can be achieved by addition of nitrates or chlorides of barium, copper, or strontium.

A more modern type of sparkler, known as the "Morning Glory", consists of a long, thin paper tube filled with composition and attached to a wooden rod using brightly-colored tissue paper and ribbon. Several different compositions can be packed into a single tube, resulting in a sparkler that changes color. However, some people take the tubes, break them in half, and spill the powder out in a container, such as a butter container, and throw a match in. These "sparkler bombs", while not bombs, do emit a incredibly bright and high flame, albeit briefly (about 1 second). Sparkler bombs have also been made using classic sparklers by binding many together and lighting them. The effect produced by these is similar to those made using "Morning Glory" sparklers.

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14y ago

Fireworks compositions are made up of many chemicals. Common metals include aluminum, magnesium, magnalium (this is a 50/50 alloy of these 2) titanium, etc. These are fuels. There are other non metallic fuels that are commonly used as well, like charcoal. Oxides of metals are also used, such as copper oxide, and iron oxide.

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14y ago

Fireworks are made of black powder and coloring chemicals.

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14y ago

magnesuium. i know this. and im 13

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Fireworks are not meant to be ingested and are dangerous to consume. They are made of chemicals that are toxic and can cause serious harm if ingested. Please do not try to taste fireworks.

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becuse that's the day the earth was made

What was the first type of fireworks made?

Gun powder.

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no,it is made by artificial

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the ancient china people made fire works

What were fireworks made out of in shakespearean times?

Gunpowder, same as today.