The pistil is the female part and the stamen is the male part
The female part
A female plant part does not produce sperms. It produces egg. The sperms are produced by the part of a male plant.
There are a number of female organs involved in the reproduction process. However, part of the female body used for intercourse is the vagina.There are a number of female organs involved in the reproduction process. However, part of the female body used for intercourse is the vagina.There are a number of female organs involved in the reproduction process. However, part of the female body used for intercourse is the vagina.There are a number of female organs involved in the reproduction process. However, part of the female body used for intercourse is the vagina.There are a number of female organs involved in the reproduction process. However, part of the female body used for intercourse is the vagina.There are a number of female organs involved in the reproduction process. However, part of the female body used for intercourse is the vagina.
The stigma is the female part of a flower that is sticky and collects pollen.
A female sheep is called an ewe; where as the male counter part is called a Ram.
servant i guess. unless you mean the female version which is mistress
The noun 'manageress' is an obsolete word for a manager who is female.The noun 'manager' is a common gender noun, a word for a male or a female in charge.
The noun 'manager' is a common gender noun, a word for a male or a female.
The counter part of 'acid' is 'base'
Yes a woman can be a personal manager.
£15,000 - £18,000
Yes, Anpu/Anubis, Wepwawet, and Duamutef for male Anput female counter part of Anubis
16per/hour plus commission plus override of the counter
a mod-10 counter is a basic formula for the male and female combination !
This will depend on the company and where in the country you work in my experience a counter manager can earn between