

What is extraneous movements?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: What is extraneous movements?
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What is an example sentence of the word extraneous?

The lab technicians said that the stray hair found on the toilet seat was from a previous guest who'd stayed in the hotel room, and was totally extraneous to the investigation.Exactly what I saw that night, I'm not sure, but it was extraneous to this plane of existence, and it still gives me nightmares.All seem to make values depend on extraneous factors.Many people may not want all this extraneous software cluttering up their hard drive.

What is an extraneous conductive part?

An extraneous conductive part is any conductive object or material that comes into contact with electrical circuits or components, creating a potential safety hazard. These parts can unintentionally carry current, cause short circuits, or interfere with the normal operation of electrical systems. Proper grounding and insulation techniques are essential to prevent extraneous conductive parts from causing problems.

When do you need to check for extraneous solutions?

You need to check for extraneous solutions when solving equations containing variables in denominators or within radical expressions. These solutions may arise from introducing new roots or excluded values during manipulations, which need to be verified to ensure they are valid in the original equation.

How do you prevent contaminating a specimen with extraneous micoorganisms?

To prevent contamination of a specimen with extraneous microorganisms, maintain a sterile working environment, use proper aseptic techniques, and handle the specimen carefully to avoid contact with surfaces or airborne contaminants. Additionally, ensure that all equipment used is properly sterilized before use.

What does extraneous stimuli mean?

Extraneous stimuli refer to irrelevant or unnecessary sensory input that can distract from the main focus of attention or task at hand. These stimuli can interfere with cognitive processes and make it harder to concentrate or perform tasks effectively.

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What is another word for not needed?

extraneous " not pertinent; irrelevant: an extraneous remark; extraneous decoration."

A sentence with the word extraneous?

During the long, boring lecture, most people agreed that much of the information was extraneous.

What is the definition of extraneous?

Extraneous means 'coming from the outside'.

How do you use the word extraneous in a sentence?

The crowd's not entirely silent, but there's not too much extraneous talking.

Extraneous in a sentence?

One handy way to dodge a difficult question is to earnestly begin talking about something extraneous to it.

Is one solution to a real-world problem involving a quadratic equation always extraneous?

No. Sometimes they are both extraneous.

What is an example sentence of the word extraneous?

The lab technicians said that the stray hair found on the toilet seat was from a previous guest who'd stayed in the hotel room, and was totally extraneous to the investigation.Exactly what I saw that night, I'm not sure, but it was extraneous to this plane of existence, and it still gives me nightmares.All seem to make values depend on extraneous factors.Many people may not want all this extraneous software cluttering up their hard drive.

Is essential the same as extraneous?

No. Essential means that the thing is very important; an "essence." Meanwhile, extraneous means that the thing is something "extra," and not needed.

What does extraneous mean What must you do to determine whether a solution is an extraneous solution?

Extraneous means extra and unnecessary. Extraneous solutions are values that can arise from the process of solving the equation but do not in fact satisfy the initial equation. These solutions occur most often when not all parts of the process of solving are not completely reversible - for example, if both sides of the equation are squared at some point.

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What are examples of extraneous variables?

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