1230 pm GMT = 0430 am PST
11am GMT is 6am EST.
If it is 12pm EST time, then it would be 11am CST time. CST is one hour behind EST.
2pm EST
It would be 9:30pm EST time. The time difference between PST and EST is three hours.
There are 6 hours and 30 minutes from 8-1230pm to 230pm.
1230 pm GMT = 0430 am PST
11am GMT is 6am EST.
If it is 12pm EST time, then it would be 11am CST time. CST is one hour behind EST.
It would be 10AM EST.
Eastern Standard Time (EST).
2pm EST
If you are in the EST zone, the time would be 406 EST or 4.06 am EST for 1106 EET or 11.06am EET. The difference between EET and EST is 7 hours.
It would be 9:30pm EST time. The time difference between PST and EST is three hours.
14:00 EST is 19:00 GMT. The Eastern Standard Time (EST) is 5 hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
New York is in the Eastern Standard Time (EST) zone.
2330 Pacific Time is 0230 Eastern Time (EST) the next day.