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Q: What is double bitumen surface treatment?
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What is bitumen pitch?

bitumen pitch means road surface

Is a road rough?

yes it is because the surface of the bitumen is hard.

How do we discover a bitumen?

Bitumen occurs naturally on the earth's surface all across the world - not least at La Brea - it has never needed discovery.

How much bitumen is used in m of road surface?

25 percent

What is cut-back bitumen?

Cut-back bitumen is a type of bitumen (asphalt) that has been diluted or cut back with a volatile solvent or oil, making it easier to work with at lower temperatures. The solvent evaporates after application, leaving behind a solid bituminous material. Cut-back bitumen is commonly used in road construction and maintenance for surface treatments and prime coating.

Why roads are in black colour?

Black is the colour of the tar used to surface the road. Tar and bitumen are two important binders for road making. Tar is a by- product of coke and bitumen come from refining crude petroleum.

gulf Bitumen?

why bitumen is used

What types of products do Mustek produce?

Mustek manufactures a variety of packed bitumen products. Their bitumen products are produced at the Europoort refinery in Rotterdam, Germany. They produce 3 types of bitumen: penetration bitumen,oxidized bitumen, and hard bitumen.

What is another name for bitumen?

Typically, bitumen and "asphalt" are interchangeable.

Why bitumen is used?

Bitumen is use as fuel.

Which word starts with b and means a type of road surface?

The word bitumen or asphalt are the words you are looking for "asphalt/bitumen" either term is acceptable. Can you google words or could you not think of it ? Bit odd but I thought I'd answer as I am bored .

How do you pronounce bitumen?

Bitumen Bi*tu"men