

What is direct pressure?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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9y ago

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Direct pressure generally applies to the force applied to a wound to prevent bleeding

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Q: What is direct pressure?
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Direct pressure and indirect pressure?

Direct pressure involves applying direct force to a wound to help control bleeding, while indirect pressure involves applying pressure to a pressure point near the wound to slow down or stop bleeding. Indirect pressure is used when direct pressure alone is not effective in controlling bleeding.

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Direct pressure involves applying pressure directly to a wound to control bleeding, typically by using a clean cloth or bandage. Indirect pressure involves applying pressure to a pressure point near the wound to help control bleeding if direct pressure alone is not enough.

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add pressure to the appropriate pressure point.

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Add pressure to the appropriate pressure point

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Add pressure to the appropriate pressure point

What should do if the combination of extremity elevation and direct pressure do not stop the bleeding?

add pressure to the appropriate pressure point.

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one is direct the other one isn't