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Equijoin - Joins two or more tables where the specified columns are equal. Returns only those records found in both tables.

Outer join - Joins two or more tables on the specified columns, returning all the values from table 1 regardless of whether they are in table 2.

Natural Join - Joins two tables on all like column names.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 7mo ago

A natural join is a join that automatically matches columns with the same name in both tables. An equijoin is when the join condition is based on the equality of values in the specified columns. An outer join (left, right, or full) includes rows that do not have matching values in both tables, with NULL values filling in the gaps.

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Q: What is difference between natural join equijoin and outer join?
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There are varieties of JOINS, which are different by the "conditions" specified in the SQL query. We will discuss on the following types:• Natural or Equijoin• Inner• OuterNatural or EquijoinBecause Teradata SQL does not support the ANSI SQL-2003 NATURAL JOIN syntax, it treats natural and equijoins as one and the same.The natural join is an equality join (with = sign) made over a common column set with matching column names such as a primary key-foreign key relationship that is expressed in a WHERE clause. For example,WHERE A.empnum = B.empnumWhile both Natural as well as Equijoin are made over an equality condition (with = sign), the column names on which tables are joined need not match in an equijoin (but data should), while they must match in a natural join. For example, in the WHERE condition above, if there is a column present in table B with matching data and the name is emp_no then we can rewrite the query as follows:WHERE A.empnum = B.emp_noInner Joins: The inner join, most of the time referred as just JOIN, combines only the rows that have specific similarity between the joined tables (employee number in the above example). One good thing about using INNER JOINS is that one can avoid unwanted cross joins. This happens by mistake. Following types of INNER JOINS are used in SQL.Ordinary Inner JoinCross JoinSelf-JoinOuter Joins: The outer join is an extension to inner join that returns not only common rows between the tables, but also it returns rows that do NOT have anything in common. This non-matching row might be due to a NULL value or invalid data. Depending on how you code, outer join can return the inner join rows plus any of the no matching rows from the:Left Table (Left Outer Join).Right Table (Right Outer Join).Both Tables (Full Outer Join).

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